
Shun "trend" and for the three parallel market in the future development and standardization

Release time:2024-09-30 16:33

"Incremental also see electric three!" In 2012, the national market, sales grew significantly tricycle. Among them, the whole line of electric tricycle, tricycles and fuel has dropped about 10%.

"Incremental also see electric three!" In 2012, the national market, sales grew significantly tricycle. Among them, the whole line of electric tricycle, tricycles and fuel has dropped about 10%. The future, "the oil three", "electric three" go hand in hand, or he eliminate this long? In the face of the national market product homogeneity, disorderly competition status quo, industry practitioners in turn go?

Lu Yu Market: increased product differentiation gradual deepening brand

Henan, Shandong, both tricycle market is the backbone of the country, not only because more than half the country's production, but also because of the powerful "digest" capability.

According to statistics, in 2011, Henan and Shandong market tricycle to maintain about 2 million, accounting for about 50% of total sales. 2012, although such data fluctuate slightly, but its internal fuel and electric tricycle tricycle ratio has changed dramatically. Originally the dominant fuel tricycle sales fell by about 30%, of which, the price of 4,500 yuan to 5,500 yuan 110mL old car dropped about 80 percent; while electric cars are more than 20% of the rate to grow up, and every few hundred or even a thousand dollars cheaper prices eroded the old car market.

"Oil three" corporate reshuffle imminent adjustment of product structure is expected to

2013, the growth rate of the electric tricycle will continue to rise. Faced with such a situation, the fuel tricycle will subsequently intensified market competition, then, will usher in a large-scale reshuffle. With consumer brand awareness, low prices alone survive "small sign" tricycle will be difficult foothold; while a few strength of large enterprises will also mired Nirvana before the "desires" Qucuqujing, establish genuine brand tricycle , sales will be some improvement.

Although the two markets have a greater demand for electric tricycle, but after all, still stuck in the mainstream consumer awareness of fuel on board, coupled with a strong local competition in both tricycle enterprises, major companies are expected to increase only the appropriate proportion of production of electric tricycle, and the production of low-cost electric tricycle will also be based, as a substitute for older models.

Product differentiation will further expand the demand

Innovation is an important criterion for testing the vitality of enterprises. Luyu two most tricycle lack of innovation in large enterprises, for product development and new product development continuity do not pay attention to blindly follow, blindly follow, resulting in serious product homogeneity. And its indifference to the consequences of this behavior lead to market crisis is insufficient.

In general, the use of tricycles period of 3 years to 5 years, for the past two years on the amount of the two rapid market saturation level is much higher than other markets, and the current user's transfer cycle into the trough period, which is " Oil three "slipped another reason.

This thought-provoking situation: two tricycle before companies are in the amount of walking, with the single "on the amount" means to obtain the relative profits, but when the market is relatively saturated reached after a certain period of time will lead to poor sales. To completely change this situation, we must return to the product itself. The two enterprises should increase investment in product development, design more in line with the needs of different consumer differentiated products. Upon completion of such "side" work, should develop core products with its own characteristics, focusing this "point", all products in a line, is to maintain market vitality benevolent.

Luyu market is China tricycle industry's core market, the revitalization of the industry, the two play a decisive role. 2013, we look forward to their "Nirvana."

Zhejiang Market: Product short board look forward to overcome industry specifications

"There is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou." Zhejiang two ancient and rich, developed economy to provide a basis for the development of the manufacturing sector. Today, they have become the cradle of electric tricycle. Dependent countries to further deepen the concept of environmental protection, the purchase cost and the use of low-cost electric tricycle in this rapidly growing, and the enterprises have also shown a blowout status.

Now, as the country's largest production base of electric tricycle County registered nearly 300 companies. This year is expected to achieve an annual output of 3.5 million vehicles, vehicle and accessories revenue reached 15 billion yuan; while in 2015, will achieve an annual output of 5,000,000 vehicles, vehicle and accessories revenue reached 200 billion yuan.

Zhejiang huge market demand, the rapid rise of electric tricycle market basis. However, the rapid pace of development but also for the development of the industry of potential problems.

Increasing brand awareness to promote products to overcome short board

Zhejiang two electric tricycle brand giant has taken shape. Jin Peng, Jiang Su Zongshen, Fukuda, Huaihai other in many markets occupy nearly half of the country, and the current share of sales is still expanding.

Pizhou market electric tricycle annual sales of about 30,000, and the brand-name cars cars and the ratio of 2:3. While this ratio in the province Tancheng pulled a large market, 1:1. A local dealer surnamed Wang introduced in recent years, as people continue to enhance brand awareness, brand car market continues to expand, particularly last year even worse. Since brands with a strong overall operational capability, in their own management, brand building, networking, etc. have a considerable advantage; combined eighteen Congress, the Central Government will put more focus on improving people's living standards, and gradually also will introduce more effective policies to improve people's income, enhanced purchasing power. So, in 2013, the electric tricycle direction to the brand will gradually accelerate the pace of development.

Must rely on the brand's products embody the core demands. Currently, the market is still on the lead-acid battery electric tricycle-based, although the technology is mature, inexpensive, but they cause environmental pollution and pollution-electric vehicles advertised contradiction. More importantly, the low energy discharge cycle time is short, a direct result of insufficient electric vehicle, battery life is low. These products will be short board bottleneck in the development of this industry in the future, and how to break it is currently the most important topic.

State policy interventions expect industry norms

Electric tricycle rapid increase speed so many people take aim, the business opportunities, have been involved; coupled countries do not match the criteria for their management, so that the development of Jiangsu and Zhejiang region of the electric tricycle environment dirty bear. Many illegal enterprises Fun edges, the production of "three no" products disrupted the market order, and the negative impact on the image of the local industry.

Development and standardization make electric tricycle industry into a dilemma. In September last year, the state issued a new national standard, the electric tricycle motor vehicle division within the scope of follow-up will also launch a series of policies to regulate the production and marketing chain.

Although the implementation of the new national standard electric tricycle will fade some of the benefits, but the long run, after the industry norms will increase barriers to entry, the market's morbid state of competition will be greatly improved. With the cost of production and sales increase, real brand products will gradually highlight the competitive advantage of industrial real sense of the development and growth will be just around the corner.

Production easy, but to do it very suffering. Should satisfy both environmental and power requirements, estimated most enterprises often inaccessible. Spirit of hope born in Jiangsu and Zhejiang enterprises have a certain electric tricycle sense, the only way to protect the health of the industry electric tricycle.

Southwest Market: rich product mix clean network environment

It has been released rhetoric: Southwest market full of Chongqing tricycles world! But in recent years, this situation has quietly changed. Especially in 2012, to 200mL and larger displacement fuel vehicles based in Chongqing tricycle sales fell 20% to 30%. This is mainly due to what aspects.

On the one hand, the economic downturn. Southwest tricycles mainly for short-distance transport, use objects mostly small private owners. This is essentially different from the North tricycle. 2012, the global economic downturn, the domestic economy is slowing down, leading private owners operating difficulties, reduced purchasing power.

On the other hand, by the impact of micro-cars and electric tricycles. Southwest market prices tricycle focused on 7,000 yuan to 1,300 yuan, compared to the true price of two million yuan of the micro car more attractive. Coupled with the national "car to the countryside" and a series of preferential agricultural policy stimulus, tricycles buying groups are transferred to the micro-car. For flat areas, electric tricycles are rapidly increment. Sichuan Nanchong example, the land currently has more than 10 fuel car brand with annual sales of about 6000; electric tricycle brand is only two, but the annual sales volume has reached more than 3,000 vehicles, accounting for about 40% of the total, while the This figure also continue to float upward trend.

In addition, in some areas to strengthen the management of three-wheeled motorcycle, and some areas even began to implement a "forbidden", "limit" Mount. Since last June 1 onwards, Chengdu has banned three motorcycles, three-wheeled mopeds and engine displacement of more than two 150mL motorcycles in the area within the beltway traffic. Policy to suppress further drain on purchasing power has played a catalytic role in the development of a three-wheeled motorcycle suppression "accomplice."

For market situation, focusing their own advantages and shortcomings, in 2013, and growth and Boxing southwest market, you should also pay attention to the richness of product structure and network building stability.

Rich product mix to enhance the fine-textured

Future, the Southwest market demand tricycle displacement polarization will intensify. Big row still occupy most of the country tricycle market, but pay attention to price movements; small row of cars have a certain market, but most of them will be electric cars swallowed; while demand in the middle displacement models will slowly decrease gradually being divided.

Southwest market is dominated by hills, supplemented by a small area of ​​the plains. It is this distinctive personality, resulting in the development of enterprises will be the focus of Chongqing tricycle freeze in big row models, while ignoring the parts of the models for the needs of small row. At this point, take aim, Northern Enterprises opportunities to take advantage of "virtual" into the room, in one fell swoop to eat a piece of "fat."

Products as the core market, market development is indeed ultimately settled here. Therefore, the focus on market demand for their product mix on a blank, Chongqing tricycle enterprises should "stoop" lower body, pay attention to a small row of markets, rich product mix, although there will be obstacles to enter early, but at least be able to seize the initiative.

Chongqing Jianshe three is such a "pioneer." Sales Manager Xia Xianyong, at present the company is stepping up development of electric tricycle, and has introduced the corresponding products. This year, they will also increase the proportion of the production of electric tricycle and make improvements in the traditional models that will roll out product types to suit different needs of the market.

A user known as Chongqing, Yunnan tricycle as "steel Beng children" because of its appearance gives a sense of strong and durable. In order to pursue the rugged truck models, many companies blindly up "heap" material, but increased the tricycle own weight, but also enhance the power demand. Therefore, in addition to the lack of structure, the fine texture of the product is also an important issue.

Distribution purify the network environment to eliminate credit

Southwest credit market is a unique phenomenon, which is the northern tricycle market is essentially different. Northern Enterprises with upstream suppliers and downstream distributors are taking cash spot the way it will ensure the timely return of cash flow, is more conducive to the expansion of the scale itself. The Southwest market to supporting manufacturers and manufacturers, down to a dealer and two dealers there are serious credit, not only impede the development of various organizations, but also affect the health of the market environment.

It is true that credit is to make the product effective way to quickly enter the market, but this should not present a risk aversion, the most intuitive is the capital chain rupture. Any strength of the enterprise, if only out without the long run, it will bring for their own capital operation pressure indirectly cause irreparable enterprise product development, branding and other aspects of the funding gap, a threat to sustainable development in this body.

Of course, eliminate credit alone the power of an individual or business can be described as wishful thinking, it also requires market participants throughout the Southwest efforts to purify the market environment, the formation of a good trading environment, to ensure network harmony and sustainability.

Reporters focused ink in the southwest market, due to the market has a strong explosive force, such as a sleeping lion. The initial stage of development of neglect can not represent limitations; network construction defects can not explain the lack of strength. "Fitters" tricycle enterprises in Chongqing will be ready to ready to push the whole Southwest revolutionize the market. We look forward to this first "lion" wake up!

The flow is always from the business of the road. Shrewd businessman to grasp the "potential" of the essence, thus creating their own hero career. China tricycle industry is in golden period of development, "trend" is acceptable if major plate practitioners capitalize on the trend, the industry will usher in a more beautiful spring!

Refining Summary

Lu Yu:

Innovation is an important criterion for testing the vitality of enterprises. Luyu two most tricycle lack of innovation in large enterprises, for product development and new product development continuity do not pay attention to blindly follow, blindly follow, resulting in serious product homogeneity. And its indifference to the consequences of this behavior lead to market crisis is insufficient.

With consumer brand awareness, low prices alone survive "small sign" tricycle will be difficult foothold; while a few strength of large enterprises will also mired Nirvana before the "desires" Qucuqujing, establish genuine brand tricycle , sales will be some improvement.


Zhejiang huge market demand, the rapid rise of electric tricycle market basis. However, the rapid pace of development but also for the development of the industry of potential problems.

Development and standardization make electric tricycle industry into a dilemma. In September last year, the state issued a new national standard, the electric tricycle motor vehicle division within the scope of follow-up will also launch a series of policies to regulate the production and marketing chain.


In order to pursue the rugged truck models, many companies blindly up "heap" material, but increased the tricycle own weight, but also enhance the power demand.

Eliminate credit alone the power of an individual or business can be described as wishful thinking, it also requires market participants throughout the Southwest efforts to purify the market environment, the formation of a good trading environment, to ensure network harmony and sustainability.

The initial stage of development of neglect can not represent limitations; network construction defects can not explain the lack of strength. "Fitters" tricycle enterprises in Chongqing will be ready to ready to push the whole Southwest revolutionize the market. We look forward to this first "lion" wake up!

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