
Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

2021-06-01 14:56

Learn party history and understand thought

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time. Since the development of party history learning and education, Dayang took three rounds of swift action, carefully deployed, centered on party history learning and education, constantly built learning platforms and innovated learning forms, so that party history education "hot" and "lived", so that all party members, Workers have achieved substantial results in the study and education of party history.

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

The company’s party branch leads all party members and cadres to learn about the history of the party such as "On the History of the Communist Party of China", "A Brief History of the Communist Party of China", "Questions and Answers on the Study of Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era", and conduct exchanges and discussions in conjunction with watching red films and documentaries Such forms have enabled the study of party history to break through the traditional study mode, from a single self-study and collective study to diverse and intelligent studies, allowing employees to make progress together in the process of sharing.

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

The representative of the company’s party members said: we must unswervingly listen to the party, follow the party, inherit the red gene, maintain the spiritual blood of the communists, earnestly practice the corporate mission of “building a beautiful home and creating eternal quality products”, and strengthen our ideals and beliefs. The original mission is to learn from history, to inherit the red gene, to continuously enhance the enterprising spirit and improve business skills.

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

Through the study and education of party history, the company has guided the party members and cadres of the company to learn history wisely, learn history to increase credit, learn history, respect morality, and practice history. Next, we will carry out learning and education as a major political task, to further build the foundation of faith, supplement the calcium of the spirit, stabilize the rudder of the thought, keep in mind the original mission, strive hard, and earnestly learn party history and comprehend. Think, do practical things, and start a new game.

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

do practical things, start a new game

Focus on party building and promote foreign trade. The balance of domestic and foreign trade is an important support for the company to improve its anti-risk ability, and it is also an important opportunity for corporate transformation. Last year, various industries were greatly affected by the epidemic and the economic situation at home and abroad, and the tricycle industry was no exception. This year the market has begun to recover, and product sales have risen steadily.

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

In response to the country’s “One Belt, One Road” strategy and the implementation of a dual cycle of domestic and foreign trade, Dayang Sanlun, under the leadership of General Manager Li Hucheng, “walked on two legs” to expand the international market and cultivated the Southeast Asian market for more than 10 years, accurately grasping the pulse of market development, under the epidemic It can still overcome various difficulties, deliver customer orders on time with quality and quantity, and the products are highly praised by consumers in Southeast Asia!

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

Currently, the company's products are gradually opening up in the Southeast Asian market. Exports are not just for increasing sales channels, but for participating in international competition to enhance the overall competitiveness of the company. The growing vitality of the domestic cycle and the emergence of new demands in the international market are forcing companies to accelerate transformation and innovation. In this context, Dayang will adjust the company's development strategy in a timely manner and make good use of the two international and domestic markets and two resources, which will surely achieve more scientific and sustainable development.

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Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time

Learn party history and understand thought,Learning, thinking, practicing and comprehending the history of the party, forging ahead at the right time. Since the development of party history learning and education, Dayang took three rounds of swift action, carefully deployed, centered on party history learning and education, constantly built learning platforms and innovated learning forms, so that party history education "hot" and "lived", so that all party members, Workers have achieved substantial results in the study and education of party history.
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